Neural Networks for Microcontrollers
Try nn4mc

Using nn4mc

Train Model in PC

Save the model as an HDF5 file. In the future we will support ONNX. Please be mindful of the current limitations.

Compile using nn4mc

This can be done through our command-line tool, python code or on this website!

Flash Generated Code!

Go to your preferred IDE and integrate the nn4mc code into your project!

Cite us!

Manzano, S. A., Hughes, D., Simpson, C., Patel, R., & Correll, N. (2019). Embedded Neural Networks for Robot Autonomy. International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR 2019, Hanoi). arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.03848.

Open Source Products and Case Studies

The following are the products and projects in which nn4mc has been used and built!

C++ command line tool
Python library
Web-based compiler
Terrain Sensitive Tire
High-bandwidth Control
Online Prediction


Here are the list of publications that involve nn4mc, if you'd like to cite the project you can cite the first one!

Current Development Team

Students that are currently working on nn4mc


Sarah Aguasvivas

PhD Student, Computer Science


Cooper Simpson

MS Student, Applied Mathematics


LeeLee James

BS Student, Computer Science


Aaron Selnick

MS Student, Mechanical Engineering


Nathan Straub

BS Student, Computer Science


Bao Nguyen

BS Student, Computer Science

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please e-mail us at: